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LAMpASPress Releases Project Milestone: First machine prototype for integrated process ready and operational

Project Milestone: First machine prototype for integrated process ready and operational

Working towards the first laser system for high-throughput low-cost production of surfaces with controlled topographic characteristics, LAMpAS is proud to present the first machine prototype. The DLIP module was combined with the laser source to perform preliminary test on a target demonstrator material.

The setup that welcomes the first high power picosecond laser is composed of a granite and a gantry. This material chosen avoids any vibration and guaranty a flatness of below 3µm over the whole area. The optical beam path is composed of different components such a beam management system and different mirrors specially chosen for ultrafast pulses.

The implementation of a DLIP-module in combination with the laser source was performed successfully. A demonstrator was textured with a line-like DLIP pattern with a spatial period of 5.5 µm and an average depth of 0.6 µm. While inspecting the textured surface, holographic colours were clearly visibly, approving this demonstrator for decorative applications.