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LAMpASOral Talks LAMpAS was presented at CLEO conference held in San Jose, California on 5-10 May 2019

LAMpAS was presented at CLEO conference held in San Jose, California on 5-10 May 2019

CLEO (#cleoconference) is the world’s premier international forum to learn about innovative advances, research and new technologies from the laser science and industry. In his invited talk in a crowded three-session Symposium on “High Average Power Ultrafast Lasers and – Applications”, Dirk Sutter (TRUMPF Laser GmbH) reviewed well established industrial applications of ultrafast lasers as well as the latest state-of-the-art of sources exceeding 1 kW of average power, before presenting the topics of the recently started #LAMpAS H2020 PPP project.


H. Sutter, T. Dietz, D. Bauer, R. Scelle, A. Budnicki, A. Killi, M. Jenne, J. Kleiner, D. Flamm, M. Sailer, M. Kumkar: High Power and High Energy Ultrafast Disk Lasers for Industrial Applications; Symposium on High Average Power Ultrafast Lasers: Trends, Challenges & Applications, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2019