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LAMpASOral Talks LAMpAS was at the WerkstoffWoche 2019, in Dresden, Germany

LAMpAS was at the WerkstoffWoche 2019, in Dresden, Germany

Prof. Andrés Fabián Lasagni, coordinator of LAMpAS Project, was at the conference Werkstoffwoche 2019 in Dresden, Germany.

In his talks, he discussed about two different topics, including:

Talk 1: The effect of the laser burst mode on the morphology of textured surfaces using DLIP

Talk 2: Advanced Fabrication of Hierarchical Microstructured Topographies

For more information on Werkstoffwoche 2019,  visit:


Invited talk:

A.F. Lasagni: Technologien in der Laserstrukturierung, Anwendungsbeispiele mit Bezug zur Tribologie, Tribologie, von der Grundlage bis zur Anwendung, April 2019, Schmalkalden, Germany